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Skegby Junior Academy

Years 3 & 4 Mediterranean Showcase

During the first part of the Summer term, years 3 & 4 learnt about the Mediterranean. Each class was given a country to research further.

Click on each class to see what they prepared:


The children created a persuasive brochure to encourage people to visit their class country, wrote postcards from their countries with beautiful descriptions of the places they visited, created amazing artwork inspired by an artist from their country, composed music inspired by traditional music, and made traditional local cuisine for the visitors to try! 

As a celebration of their whole half-term's worth of work, they created the Mediterranean showcase! Mrs Marples cut the red ribbon to declare the showcase... open! 


Every visitor was given a passport, they had to travel around all the stalls listening to the information the stallholders were giving, once they had listened, they received a sticker! The aim was to travel around the showcase, learn as much as possible and fill your passport!